"The gas bill gas arrives". Charcoal/acrylic on paper 30/30cm
"Pursuit" Charcoal/acrylic on paper 30/30cm
"Cod is love" Charcoal/acrylic on paper 30/30cm
Charcoal/acrylic/collag/ chalk on paper 84/70cm
Charcoal/chalk on paper 54x74cm
Charcoal/acrylic on paper 86x77cm My mother and siblings with gunwoman (fiction)
Charcoal on paper 54x84cm My father was an RAF pilot - I was not like him...
charcoal and acrylic on paper 30x40cm
Ink on paper. 200x 300cm. After the failed surgery this was Terry's title
Chalk, conté on paper. 110x72cm
Ink, acrylic, conté crayon on paper 56 x 76cm
Ink, acrylic, conté crayon on paper 56 x 76cm
Ink, acrylic, conté crayon on paper 56 x 76cm
acrylic ink/crayon/chalk 76x56cm Sanders Waterford paper
56x76 cm acrylic ink/chalk/crayon on Sanders waterford paper
Black ink on paper 75x108cm
chalk pastel on paper 56x76cm